Hair That Has Too Many Broken Disulfide Bonds And Will Not Hold A Firm Curl Is Considered _____. (2024)

Health High School


Answer 1

Hair that has too many broken disulfide bonds and will not hold a firm curl is considered over-processed. Overprocessed hair occurs when hair is subjected to excessive chemical treatments, such as perming, colouring, or relaxing, which weaken the hair's structure by breaking down the disulfide bonds.

These bonds are responsible for giving hair its strength, elasticity, and ability to maintain its shape, including holding a curl. When overprocessing occurs, the hair's integrity is compromised, leading to hair becoming more fragile, dry, and prone to breakage. It also makes it difficult for the hair to hold a firm curl, as the disulfide bonds are not able to reform properly, resulting in limp and lifeless curls.

To prevent overprocessing, it is essential to space out chemical treatments and give the hair time to recover. Using gentle and sulfate-free hair care products, as well as incorporating regular deep conditioning treatments, can help maintain the health and integrity of the hair. Additionally, seeking advice from a professional hairstylist can help determine the best treatment plan to minimize damage and achieve desired results.

To know more about Disulfide Bonds visit:


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In the inpatient setting, a CPT code would be assigned for a procedure code. (true/false)





a CPT code cannot be assigned for a procedure code in an impatient setting.

True. In the inpatient setting, a CPT code would be assigned for a procedure code. However, it is important to note that the CPT codes used in the inpatient setting are different from those used in the outpatient setting.

Inpatient CPT codes are more detailed and specific to the services provided during the patient's stay in the hospital. The process of assigning CPT codes in the inpatient setting is typically done by trained medical coders who review the patient's medical record to determine the appropriate codes to use. This can be a complex and time-consuming process that requires a thorough understanding of medical terminology and coding guidelines.

In the inpatient setting, a CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) code would be assigned for a procedure code. CPT codes are used by healthcare providers to categorize and report various medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures performed on patients.

To know more about CPT code, refer


one major distinction between asperger’s disorder and autism is that...


One major distinction between Asperger's Disorder and Autism is that individuals with Asperger's Disorder have a higher level of language development and cognitive ability compared to those with Autism.

People with Asperger's Disorder typically have average to above-average intelligence and may have a special interest in a particular subject. In contrast, Autism is typically associated with delayed or impaired language development, communication difficulties, and restrictive or repetitive behaviors.

This distinction is important because it can impact the diagnosis and treatment approach for individuals with these conditions. By recognizing the differences between Asperger's Disorder and Autism, clinicians can provide tailored interventions that address the unique needs of each individual.

Learn more about Asperger's Disorder here:


the activity you choose to improve your cardiorespiratory endurance should be based on ____.


The activity you choose to improve your cardiorespiratory endurance should be based on various factors such as your fitness level, goals, interests, health status, availability of equipment or facilities, and personal preferences.

It is important to choose an activity that you enjoy and can sustain over time, as this will increase the likelihood of adherence and consistency, leading to better results. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the intensity, duration, and frequency of the activity, as these factors will determine the effectiveness of the workout in improving your cardiorespiratory endurance.

For example, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) may be more time-efficient and effective than steady-state cardio for some individuals, while others may prefer low-impact exercises such as cycling or swimming to reduce the risk of injury or joint pain. Ultimately, the best activity to improve your cardiorespiratory endurance is one that meets your individual needs and goals, and that you can enjoy and sustain in the long term.

Learn more about high-intensity interval training (HIIT) here:


relaxers that contain two components and must be mixed immediately prior to use are _____.


The relaxers that contain two components and must be mixed immediately prior to use are known as "no-lye relaxers." These relaxers typically consist of a base cream and an activator, which are combined right before application to ensure maximum effectiveness.

No-lye relaxers are often preferred by those with sensitive scalps or fine hair, as they are generally less harsh than traditional lye relaxers. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when using these types of relaxers, as incorrect mixing or application can result in damage to the hair or scalp.

Relaxers that contain two components and must be mixed immediately prior to use are known as "guanidine hydroxide relaxers." These relaxers consist of a cream containing calcium hydroxide and a liquid activator with guanidine carbonate. Mixing these components creates the guanidine hydroxide, which is then applied to the hair for straightening purposes. Guanidine hydroxide relaxers are considered to be less harsh than other relaxer types, such as sodium hydroxide relaxers, making them a popular choice for those seeking a more gentle hair straightening option.

To know about Relaxers visit:


The neurotransmitters that have been implicated most often in depression are the _____.
a. Monoamines.
b. Electroconvulsive therapy (ect)
c. Lithium
d. Vagus nerve stimulation


The neurotransmitters that have been implicated most often in depression are the monoamines. These include serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

Research has shown that individuals with depression have imbalances in these neurotransmitters, which can affect mood, sleep, appetite, and other important functions. Treatments for depression often target these neurotransmitters, such as with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), lithium, and vagus nerve stimulation are alternative treatments for depression that work through different mechanisms, but do not directly target these neurotransmitters.

The neurotransmitters that have been implicated most often in depression are the monoamines. Monoamines include serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in regulating mood, and an imbalance in their levels is often associated with depression. Treatments for depression, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), aim to restore the balance of these neurotransmitters in the brain to alleviate depressive symptoms. The other options, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), lithium, and vagus nerve stimulation, are treatment methods rather than neurotransmitters. So, the correct answer is:

a. Monoamines.

Learn more about monoamines at:


the nurse informs a male patient about which potential adverse effect of testosterone therapy?


The nurse informs a male patient about the potential adverse effect of testosterone therapy which includes acne, hair loss, and increased risk of prostate cancer.

The nurse informs a male patient about the potential adverse effects of testosterone therapy, which may include:

1. Increased risk of blood clots: Testosterone therapy may lead to a higher chance of developing blood clots, which could cause serious health problems like deep vein thrombosis or stroke.

2. Enlarged prostate: Testosterone therapy may cause an increase in the size of the prostate gland, leading to symptoms such as difficulty urinating, weak urine flow, and increased frequency of urination.

3. Sleep apnea: Testosterone therapy may worsen existing sleep apnea or cause new-onset sleep apnea, which is a potentially dangerous condition where breathing stops and starts during sleep.

4. Acne and oily skin: Testosterone therapy may lead to an increase in acne and oily skin due to increased sebum production.

5. Gynecomastia: Testosterone therapy may cause an increase in breast tissue, leading to the development of male breast enlargement (gynecomastia).

6. Reduced fertility: Testosterone therapy may decrease sperm production, which could lead to reduced fertility in men.

The nurse should inform the male patient about these potential adverse effects of testosterone therapy so that the patient can make an informed decision about their treatment.

To know more about testosterone therapy refer here:


during a relaxer strand test, hair that is pressed to the scalp and continues to curl is _____.


During a relaxer strand test, hair that is pressed to the scalp and continues to curl is considered resistant.

During a relaxer strand test, hair that is pressed to the scalp and continues to curl is underprocessed.

Underprocessing occurs when the relaxer has not been left on the hair for enough time or not thoroughly applied, causing the hair to continue curling even when pressed to the scalp. To avoid underprocessing, make sure to follow the product instructions, apply the relaxer evenly, and check the hair periodically during the strand test.

If you notice underprocessing, you can adjust the processing time or application method for better results. It is crucial to conduct a strand test before applying the relaxer to your entire head, as it helps you determine the appropriate processing time and technique for your specific hair type.

Learn more about hair here:


the interactions between parents and infants are described as _____ when all is going well. A.unidirectional B.reciprocal C.asynchronous D.unregulated


The interactions between parents and infants are described as reciprocal when all is going well. Reciprocal interactions are those in which both parties engage in a back-and-forth exchange of cues, signals, and responses. The correct option is B.

In the case of parent-infant interactions, this means that the parent and the infant are both contributing to the interaction, with the parent responding to the infant's cues and the infant responding to the parent's cues.

Reciprocal interactions are important for the healthy development of the infant, as they promote the development of social and emotional skills, such as communication, self-regulation, and empathy. When interactions between parents and infants are reciprocal, the infant is more likely to feel secure, attached, and supported, which can have positive effects on their physical and mental health.

Conversely, unidirectional, asynchronous, or unregulated interactions between parents and infants can have negative effects on the infant's development.

For example, unidirectional interactions occur when the parent dominates the interaction and does not respond to the infant's cues, while asynchronous interactions occur when the parent and infant are not on the same page and do not respond to each other's cues in a timely manner. Unregulated interactions occur when the parent is emotionally unavailable or inconsistent, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and attachment issues for the infant.

To know more about Reciprocal interactions, refer to the link below:


which of the following illustrates a basic medical supply that must be carried on an ambulance?



Exam gloves


im not doing ambulance operations since im doing sports medicine so hope this helps

to reduce the potential of hair and scalp damage from heat, hold the blow dryer at least:


To reduce the potential of hair and scalp damage from heat, it is recommended to hold the blow dryer at least 6 inches away from the head.

1. Six inches away from your hair and scalp: Maintaining a safe distance between the blow dryer and your hair helps to minimize heat exposure and prevent damage to both hair and scalp.

2. Use a lower heat setting: Lowering the heat setting on the blow dryer can further reduce the potential for heat damage.

3. Apply a heat protectant product: Use a heat protectant spray or serum before blow-drying to create a protective barrier on the hair shaft, reducing potential damage.

4. Dry hair in sections: This allows for more controlled heat distribution and minimizes the amount of time your hair is exposed to the heat.

5. Keep the dryer moving: Constantly move the blow dryer across your hair to avoid concentrating heat on one spot for too long.

By following these steps, you can effectively reduce the potential damage to your hair and scalp from heat while using a blow dryer.

Learn more about blow dryer here:


Jackson checks his mother’s expression before venturing toward the sidewalk. This is an example of
Group of answer choices
separation protest.
social referencing.
split half attention.
strange situation anxiety.


The correct answer is social referencing. Social referencing is a term used to describe the behavior where individuals look towards others for cues on how to react or behave in a given situation.

In this example, Jackson is checking his mother's expression to gauge whether it is safe for him to venture towards the sidewalk. This behavior is common in young children who are still learning about their environment and rely on social cues to understand how to navigate new situations. By checking his mother's expression, Jackson is engaging in social referencing to help him make a decision about whether it is safe to move forward.

Learn more about social referencing here:


how does a woman who feels in control of the situation during labor influence her pain?


Research has shown that a woman who feels in control of the situation during labor may experience less pain.

This is because when a woman feels in control, she can focus on the task at hand and use techniques such as breathing exercises and relaxation to manage the pain. Additionally, feeling in control may reduce feelings of anxiety and fear, which can increase pain perception. Lower stress levels also promote the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain relievers.
In summary, a woman who feels in control during labor can influence her pain experience by reducing stress and anxiety, utilizing effective pain management techniques, increasing self-confidence, and enhancing communication with healthcare providers.

To learn more about pain:


John has an eye condition. It's name literally means old eyes. John has. A) glaucoma. B) prescucusis. C) macular degeneration. D) presbyopia. D) presbyopia.


John has an eye condition called presbyopia. This term literally means "old eyes." Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process that affects a person's ability to focus on close objects.

The correct answer to your question is D) presbyopia. Presbyopia is a common eye condition that affects people as they age. It is caused by a gradual hardening of the lens in the eye, which makes it difficult to focus on objects that are close up. This results in a need for reading glasses or bifocals. While glaucoma, presbycusis, and macular degeneration are all eye conditions that can occur as people age, they are not specifically related to the symptom of difficulty focusing on close objects. It's important to note that regular eye exams can help catch and manage eye conditions, regardless of age.
Visit here to learn more about presbyopia:


alcohol exerts its effect on anxiety at the ________ receptors.


Alcohol exerts its effect on anxiety primarily at the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating the excitability of neurons and is essential for maintaining balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition. When GABA binds to its receptors, it typically results in a decrease in anxiety and an increase in relaxation.

Alcohol is known to enhance the function of GABA receptors, leading to a heightened inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. As a result, this leads to the commonly observed effects of alcohol consumption, such as reduced anxiety, sedation, and muscle relaxation. However, it is important to note that these effects are dose-dependent, and excessive alcohol intake can lead to detrimental consequences on both mental and physical health.

In addition to GABA receptors, alcohol can also influence other neurotransmitter systems, such as dopamine and serotonin, which can contribute to its overall effects on mood and anxiety. Nonetheless, the primary interaction between alcohol and anxiety can be attributed to its impact on GABA receptors, leading to a temporary relief of anxiety symptoms in some individuals.

TO KNOW MORE ABOUT Alcohol exerts its effect on anxiety CLICK THIS LINK -


As a couple participates in stage one of Masters and Johnson's sensate focus technique, they would a. engaging in genital pleasuring with an emphasis on achieving org*sms. b. engage in pleasuring and exploration of each other's bodies, but would refrain from involving breasts or genitals. c. return to full, prior sexual activity. d. engage in genital pleasuring but with a ban on org*sms or intercourse.


The answer is B. As a couple participates in stage one of Masters and Johnson's sensate focus technique, they would engage in pleasuring and exploration of each other's bodies, but would refrain from involving breasts or genitals.

The focus is on building intimacy and increasing communication and pleasure without the pressure of achieving org*sms or engaging in intercourse.

As a couple participates in stage one of Masters and Johnson's sensate focus technique, they would b. engage in pleasuring and exploration of each other's bodies, but would refrain from involving breasts or genitals. This stage focuses on non-sexual touch and communication to build intimacy and trust.

To know about genitals visit:


Signs of domain specific giftedness usually emerge during the ___ years


Signs of domain-specific giftedness usually emerge during the early school years.

Domain-specific giftedness refers to exceptional abilities and talent in a particular area, such as mathematics, language, music, or art. While many gifted individuals exhibit exceptional abilities across multiple domains, some show particular strengths in one or two areas. The signs of domain-specific giftedness typically emerge during the early school years, when children begin to engage more deeply with academic subjects and extracurricular activities. For example, a child who shows exceptional talent in mathematics might demonstrate an early interest in numbers and patterns, excel in math classes, and enjoy solving complex problems. Identifying and nurturing domain-specific giftedness can be important for helping these children to reach their full potential and pursue their passions, whether that's through advanced coursework, enrichment programs, or other opportunities.

To learn more about Domain-specific giftedness:


Suggested intensity for beginning unfit individuals is ____% HRR. a. 30-40 b. 40-50 c. 50-60 d. 60-70 e. 70-80. e. 70-80.


For beginning unfit individuals, it is recommended to start with a lower intensity and gradually increase it over time. The suggested intensity for such individuals is usually around 70-80% of their heart rate reserve (HRR). This level of intensity is considered moderate to high and can help them achieve the desired fitness level.

However, it is important to note that the ideal intensity may vary depending on an individual's age, overall health, and fitness level. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer before starting any exercise program, especially if you are unfit or have any underlying health conditions.

Additionally, beginners should aim to start with low-impact exercises such as walking, cycling, or swimming and gradually increase the intensity and duration of their workouts as their fitness level improves. Consistency and gradual progression are key to achieving long-term fitness goals without risking injury or burnout.

In summary, the suggested intensity for beginning unfit individuals is around 70-80% HRR, but it is crucial to seek professional guidance and start with low-impact exercises to avoid injuries and achieve sustainable results.

For more information on heart rate reserve (HRR) visit:


what nutrition problem affects 69% of adults and 33% of children in the united states? malnutritionunder nutritionovernutrition​micronutrition


The nutrition problem that affects 69% of adults and 33% of children in the United States is overnutrition.

Overnutrition is a form of malnutrition that occurs when the body receives too much energy and nutrients, leading to obesity and related health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Overnutrition can result from consuming too many calories or consuming too much of certain types of nutrients, such as saturated fats, sugar, and sodium. Overnutrition is a significant public health concern in the United States, with more than two-thirds of adults and one-third of children being overweight or obese. Addressing overnutrition requires a comprehensive approach that includes promoting healthy eating habits, increasing physical activity, and addressing social and environmental factors that contribute to overnutrition.

To know more about overnutrition, click here:


A nurse is caring for a client who is immobile and has developed a pressure ulcer. Which of the following characteristics is associated with a stage II pressure ulcer?


A stage II pressure ulcer is characterized by partial thickness skin loss involving the epidermis and/or dermis. It may present as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.

It typically appears as a moist, open wound and may be painful. In an immobile client, pressure ulcers can develop due to prolonged pressure on bony prominences, such as the hips, sacrum, and heels. It is important for the nurse to assess the pressure ulcer regularly and implement appropriate interventions to prevent further deterioration and promote healing.
A nurse is caring for a client who is immobile and has developed a pressure ulcer. The characteristics associated with a stage II pressure ulcer include:
1. Partial-thickness skin loss: This involves the outermost layer (epidermis) and may extend to the inner layer (dermis).
2. Red or pink wound bed: The area appears red or pink in color due to exposed dermis.
3. No slough or eschar: The wound bed is clean and does not have any yellow or black tissue (slough or eschar).
4. Blisters: In some cases, there may be intact or ruptured serum-filled blisters.
5. Pain: The client may experience pain at the site of the ulcer.
In summary, a stage II pressure ulcer is characterized by partial-thickness skin loss, a red or pink wound bed, the absence of slough or eschar, and may have blisters and cause pain.

Visit here to learn more about epidermis:


The amount charged for each service provided in a medical practice is known as a/an:
A. chargemaster
B. fee schedule
C. ledger
D. day sheet


The amount charged for each service provided in a medical practice is known as a/an: B.) fee schedule

A fee schedule is a list of charges for medical services, procedures, and supplies offered by a healthcare provider. These charges are often determined by factors such as the provider's specialty, geographic location, and the level of care provided. Insurance companies and government programs also use fee schedules to determine the amounts they will reimburse for services.

Option A is incorrect because a chargemaster is a comprehensive list of charges for medical services and procedures provided by a healthcare organization. Option C is incorrect because a ledger is a record of financial transactions. Option D is incorrect because a day sheet is a report that details the financial transactions of a medical practice for a specific day.

learn more about chargemaster here:


___ is a neurotransmitter that participates in the processing of mood, appetite, and sleep.a. Epinephrine c. Dopamineb. Serotonin d. Acetylcholine





Serotionion helps with our mood appetite etc. thats why we need a healthy serotonion level.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that participates in the processing of mood, appetite, and sleep.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit signals across the synapse, the junction between two neurons or a neuron and a target cell. They are critical to the proper functioning of the nervous system, as they regulate a wide range of physiological and psychological processes, such as movement, mood, memory, and cognition. Neurotransmitters are synthesized and stored in vesicles in the presynaptic neuron, and upon stimulation, they are released into the synaptic cleft to bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron or target cell, leading to a response. The balance of neurotransmitters is important for maintaining normal brain function, and imbalances have been linked to various neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Learn more about neurotransmitter here:


Which of the following statements relating to assessment of the lungs and thorax is most accurate?
a. Hemoptysis is more common in children and adolescents than in older clients.
b. Moderate to severe chest pain is associated with a cardiac etiology, while mild to moderate chest pain is most often respiratory in origin.
c. Loud and very loud percussion notes denote pathological findings.
d.- Bronchitis is characterized by excess mucus production and chronic cough.


D. Bronchitis is characterized by excess mucus production and chronic cough. The other statements are not entirely accurate.

Hemoptysis (coughing up blood) is actually more common in older clients and can be indicative of serious lung disease or cancer. Chest pain can have a variety of causes, including both cardiac and respiratory issues, and the severity of the pain does not always correlate with the cause. Loud percussion notes may indicate the presence of air or fluid in the lungs, but this is not always pathological. Overall, it is important to conduct a thorough assessment of the lungs and thorax to accurately diagnose and treat any respiratory issues.

Learn more about pathological here:


what is the medical term that means state of having a fixed relation to a pathogen?


The medical term that refers to the state of having a fixed relation to a pathogen is known as colonization. Colonization is the presence and growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, on or within a host organism without causing disease.

This relationship can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to the host. some bacteria colonize the human gut and help in digestion, while other pathogens colonize the respiratory tract and cause respiratory infections. Pathogens are disease-causing microorganisms that can cause illness and death in humans. They include viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and prions. Pathogens enter the body through various routes, such as inhalation, ingestion, or direct contact, and cause infections by invading and damaging host cells. The immune system fights against pathogens to protect the body from infection. In summary, colonization is the medical term used to describe the state of having a fixed relationship with a pathogen. It can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to the host. Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease and enter the body through various routes. The immune system fights against pathogens to protect the body from infection.

learn more about microorganisms here.


by age 25, nearly what percentage of emerging adults has had sexual intercourse at least once?


According to a study by the National Survey of Family Growth, by age 25, approximately 95% of emerging adults have had sexual intercourse at least once. This study surveyed individuals between the ages of 15-44 in the United States, and found that sexual activity was most prevalent among those in their late teens and early twenties.

It is important to note that sexual activity is a personal choice, and individuals may choose to wait until they are older or until they are in a committed relationship. Additionally, it is crucial for individuals to practice safe sex to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Educating oneself on contraception and healthy sexual practices is essential for maintaining one's sexual health and well-being.

Overall, the majority of emerging adults have engaged in sexual activity by age 25, but it is important for individuals to make informed decisions and prioritize their own physical and emotional safety.

To know more about National Survey of Family Growth visit:


Childhood Obesity is usually defined as a BMI above the _____ percentile. a) 85th. b) 90th. c) 95th. d) 100th


Childhood Obesity is usually defined as a BMI above the 95th percentile.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculation based on a person's height and weight. For children, BMI is age and sex-specific, and is compared to a reference population of the same age and sex. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines childhood obesity as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile for children of the same age and sex.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure used to determine a person's weight status. For children, BMI percentiles are used instead of the standard categories for adults. The 95th percentile is used as a threshold for childhood obesity because it represents the point at which a child's BMI is higher than 95% of children of the same age and sex.

To identify childhood obesity, a BMI above the 95th percentile is considered, making the correct answer option c) 95th percentile.

To know more about BMI , visit;


Which of the following individuals would be considered a good candidate for humanistic therapy?
A) Pasha, who is unable to verbally express her thoughts and feelings
B) Kaleem, who suffers from a severe psychotic disorder
C) Lou, who is seeking a career change
D) Mary, who is extremely withdrawn


Lou, who is seeking a career change would be considered a good candidate for humanistic therapy. The correct option is (C).

Humanistic therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on an individual's personal growth and self-awareness. It emphasizes the importance of individual choice, free will, and the present moment.

Lou, who is seeking a career change, may be experiencing feelings of dissatisfaction and uncertainty about their life direction, and humanistic therapy can help them gain insight and clarity about their goals and values.

Humanistic therapists provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment where clients can explore their feelings and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

In contrast, individuals who suffer from severe mental health disorders like psychosis (option B) or who are unable to express themselves verbally (option A) may require more specialized treatments like medication or behavioral therapy.

Similarly, an extremely withdrawn individual like Mary (option D) may benefit more from cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is aimed at changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.

To know more about "Humanistic therapy" refer here:


a client asks the nurse what cancer cell growth is called. what would the nurse tell the client?


The nurse would explain to the client that the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cancer cells is called tumorigenesis or oncogenesis.

This occurs when mutations in genes responsible for regulating cell growth and division occur, leading to the formation of a tumor.

The tumor may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), and can spread to other parts of the body through a process called metastasis. It is important for the client to understand the basics of cancer cell growth as it can help them better understand their diagnosis and treatment options. Cancer can be influenced by genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol consumption, and sun exposure.

Learn more about mutations here:


Which of the following would NOT be a good advice for someone who is trying to gain weight? a. Eat small, frequent meals b. Eat approximately 25-30% of kilocalories from fat c. Eat an additional 500-1000 Kcal per day d. Do not exercise


The option that would NOT be a good advice for someone who is trying to gain weight is option D, which advises to not exercise. Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle and helps build muscle mass, which contributes to weight gain.

However, it is important to balance exercise with an increase in calorie intake to support weight gain. Eating small, frequent meals is a good advice as it helps to increase calorie intake without feeling overly full or uncomfortable. Consuming approximately 25-30% of kilocalories from fat is also a good advice as fat is a dense source of calories.

Eating an additional 500-1000 Kcal per day is another good advice as it can help to create a calorie surplus necessary for weight gain. Overall, a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and gradual calorie increase can support healthy weight gain.

you know more about healthy lifestyle and helps build muscle mass pls visit-


fasd may occur in offspring whose mothers ______ during pregnancy.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) may occur in offspring whose mothers consume alcohol during pregnancy.

FASD is a group of conditions that can affect the physical, mental, behavioral, and learning development of an unborn child due to prenatal exposure to alcohol. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it passes through the placenta and reaches the developing fetus. This can cause various problems, including birth defects, growth deficiencies, and cognitive impairments.

To minimize the risk of FASD, it is crucial for pregnant women to avoid alcohol consumption during pregnancy, as no safe level of alcohol has been determined for expectant mothers.

To know more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), visit:


johanna was overfed as a baby. what form of obesity is she likely to develop?


Johanna may be at risk for developing early-onset obesity due to overfeeding during her infancy. This form of obesity, also known as infantile obesity, occurs when babies are fed too much and do not receive adequate exercise or activity.

This can cause excess weight gain and an increased risk for health problems such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease later in life. It is important for parents and caregivers to understand the appropriate feeding amounts and schedule for babies to prevent overfeeding and the development of early-onset obesity. Regular physical activity and a balanced diet can also help prevent obesity in infants and promote healthy growth and development. Johanna's risk for developing obesity may also be influenced by genetic factors and her environment. It is important for her to receive regular check-ups with her healthcare provider to monitor her growth and weight, and to discuss any concerns or questions related to her health and development.

To know more about overfeeding


Hair That Has Too Many Broken Disulfide Bonds And Will Not Hold A Firm Curl Is Considered _____. (2024)


Hair That Has Too Many Broken Disulfide Bonds And Will Not Hold A Firm Curl Is Considered _____.? ›

Hydroxide relaxers break the disulfide bonds in the hair by removing one atom of sulfur from the disulfide bond and thereby converting it into a lanthionine bond. This process is called lanthionization. When a hydroxide relaxer breaks a disulfide bond the bond is permanently broken and can never be reformed.

What bond is broken during a chemical hair relaxer? ›

Hydroxide relaxers break the disulfide bonds in the hair by removing one atom of sulfur from the disulfide bond and thereby converting it into a lanthionine bond. This process is called lanthionization. When a hydroxide relaxer breaks a disulfide bond the bond is permanently broken and can never be reformed.

What chemical action breaks the disulfide bonds and softens the hair? ›

Alkaline permanent waving solution softens and swells the hair, which raises the cuticle and permits the solution to penetrate to its target within the cor- tex (Figs. 13-8 through 13-11). Once in the cortex, permanent waving solution breaks the disulfide bonds by a chemical reaction called reduction.

When hair has assumed the desired shape the broken disulfide bonds must be? ›

Flash cards
The chemical action of _________ breaks the disulfide bonds and softens the hair.waving lotion
When the hair has assumed the desired shape, the broken disulfide bonds must be __________ rebonded.chemically
Straight rods are equal indiameter
70 more rows

Which hair texture has side bonds that are easily broken? ›

Hydrogen Bonds Hydrogen bonds are weak physical side bonds that are also the result of an attraction between opposite electrical charges; they are easily broken by water (wet setting) or heat (thermal styling), and they re-form as the hair dries or cools.

What happens when disulfide bonds break in hair? ›

Swimming in chlorinated water damages the disulfide bonds in hair because of chlorine's reaction to the hair's protein. Due to its oxidizing properties, chlorine can weaken and break disulfide bonds, leaving hair brittle and dull.

What are disulfide bonds in hair broken by? ›

Disulphide bonds are broken by the hair being heated by a hairdryer, curling tongs or straighteners, and by the application of chemicals such as those used in hair relaxants or bleaching.

Can disulfide bonds be broken by reduction? ›

Yes, beta mercaptoethanol through reduction reaction and performic acid through oxidation can break the disulfide bonds found in cysteine residues.

Does reduction break disulfide bonds? ›

Reducing agents can be used to disrupt, or reduce, disulfide bonds in peptides and proteins. Disulfide reducing agents include tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP), beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), and dithiothreitol (DTT).

What breaks disulfide bonds in proteins? ›

In some cases, disulfide bonds may need to be broken and re-formed in order for the protein to perform its function. In these cases, reducing agents such as glutathione or thioredoxin can help break the disulfide bond and return the protein to its reduced state.

Can disulfide bonds in hair be repaired? ›

Many things, from heat to bleach, can damage these bonds and affect our hair strength. However, for bonds that are already damaged, using a hair bonding treatment can help restore the strength and integrity of the hair, giving you soft, bouncy curls once again.

What solution rebuilds broken disulfide bonds? ›

The neutralization used with thio relaxers is an oxidizing agent, usually hydrogen peroxide. The oxidation reaction caused by the neutralizer rebuilds the disulfide bonds that were broken by the thio relaxer.

How do you break apart disulfide bonds? ›

When biochemists want to break disulfide bonds within or between molecules, they add dithiothreitol to their buffer solutions.

What is the strongest bond in hair? ›

Disulphide and Hydrogen Bonds

'Disulphide bonds are one of the strongest naturally-occurring bonds in nature. ' The protein structures of the hair shaft are held together by chemical bonds called disulphide and hydrogen bonds.

What is the weakest hair bond? ›

Hydrogen bonds: These temporary bonds are the weakest of the three types. Ionic bonds: Sometimes called salt bonds, these are temporary, too, but tend to be much stronger. In fact, they're responsible for a third of hair strength. Covalent bonds: These permanent bonds provide structure and shape to the hair.

What is the easiest bond in the hair to break? ›

Hydrogen and ionic bonds are temporary, making them the easiest to break. Welsh says hydrogen bonds can be damaged by heat and water, which is why it's easier to manipulate your hair when wet or when you heat style your hair.

Do relaxers break disulfide bonds? ›

In lanthionization, the process by which hydroxide relaxers permanently straighten hair, the relaxers remove a sulfur atom from a disulfide bond and convert it into a lanthionine bond. Lanthionine bonds contain only one sulfur atom. The disulfide bonds broken by hydroxide relaxers can never be reformed.

What bonds are broken in a chemical reaction? ›

According to the modern view of chemical reactions, bonds between atoms in the reactants must be broken, and the atoms or pieces of molecules are reassembled into products by forming new bonds.

What bonds are broken when styling hair? ›

Hydrogen and ionic bonds are temporary, making them the easiest to break. Welsh says hydrogen bonds can be damaged by heat and water, which is why it's easier to manipulate your hair when wet or when you heat style your hair. When exposed to those elements, these broken bonds also make your hair more fragile.

Which side bond is broken by chemicals? ›

Disulfide bonds are chemical side bonds. Disulfide bonds link together two sulfur atoms attached to cysteine amino acids within the polypeptide chains. Chemical hair relaxers and permanent waves chemically alter the hair's disulfide bond.


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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